00353 857087743
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INSERM, U563, Toulouse, France - Université Paul-Sabatier

Suberbielle E, Gonzalez-Dunia D, Pont F.
Inserm-00369925, version 1

High reproducibility of two-dimensional liquid chromatography using pH-driven fractionation with a pressure-resistant electrode. Journal of Chromatography B, 871 (2008) 125–129

Journal of Chromatography B


Frédéric PONT(1), Laurent VIENNET(2), Sophie REGAZZONI(2)
1) INSERM – Institut Claude de Préval – IFR30, Plateau de spectrométrie de masse – Toulouse F-31300
2) FRAGRANCE-RESSOURCES – Z.I. Bois De Grasse – 208, av. Louison Bobet Grasse 06334

Comparaison automatique de chromatogrammes complexes assistée par ordinateur en CPG et HPLC. Application au contrôle de qualité dans l’industrie des parfums et à la protéomique.

In summary:

‘The software GC-LC CONCORDANCE was designed to automatically compare complex chromatograms (up to 1000 compounds in a mixture) and automatically correct time shifts due to column degradation.

The software performances were evaluated in two situations:

The first one was the quality control of perfume samples. A sample containing an abnormality was automatically detected by the software GC-LC CONCORDANCE. In the report analysis, the abnormality can be quickly detected and explained.

The second example in liquid chromatography (HPLC) was more complex : cells protein extracts were fractionated by chromatofocusing and injected repetitively on non-porous C18 columns of 1.5µm particle size. Complex chromatograms were obtained, integrated by a chromatography software and then analysed by GC-LC CONCORDANCE. The software managed to detect systematic peaks shifts in the chromatograms. Local chromatogram alterations were more difficult to analyse. In most cases the problem could be solved by manual peak picking. In conclusion, the software can be used for automatic chromatogram analysis in GC. As concerns HPLC chromatograms, some manual adjustments could be required if the chromatogram has important local alterations.’